Webinars To Help and Inform

Our club members have volunteered their time and professional talent to help cope during the pandemic.


Staying Grounded

Club Member Patti Manuel-Go is a psychologist. Patti provides tips and useful resources for managing anxiety during uncertain times.

Kamustahan sa Panahon ng COVID

Club member, Annabel Braganza, provides tips on how to cope with anxiety, stress, and grief in times of COVID. She teaches us how to recognize the symptoms, accept the new normal with loving-kindness, and emerge gracefully from difficult situations. Video spoken in Filipino.


Stay at Home, Learn at Home

President Elect and President of Knowledge Channel Foundation, Rina Lopez-Bautista, provides information on how online children learning modules can easily be accessed.

Philippine Education in Times of COVID19

Rina Lopez-Bautista is Club President Elect and President of the Knowledge Channel Foundation. At the District 3830 Discon 2020, she explained the dramatic shift schools needed to adopt, given that children cannot physically be in classrooms. She outlined how we jointly could provide solutions to this challenge.